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Investment Club Partnership Agreement

9. April 2009


Investment Club Partnership Agreement

Investment Club Partnership Agreement __________, herewith form a general partnership to be known as the ______ Investment Club. The partnership shall commence on _____________________ and shall continue for a period of five years, and then thereafter year for year, unless earlier terminated by this agreement. Each partner shall on or before _____________________ make an initial […]

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Assignment of Debtor Account, Notice

31. March 2009


Assignment of Debtor Account, Notice

Assignment of Debtor Account, Notice TO: __________________ _____________________ _____________________ Re:  Your account with __________________________ Your account with __________________________ has been transferred to ___________________________. Effective immediately, all payments in regard to this account must be made to ___________ ________________ at the following address: __________________________________ __________________________________ You will not receive credit for payments made to ______________________. ALL […]

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Security Agreement

20. March 2009


Security Agreement

Security Agreement _____________________, referred to herein as SECURED PARTY, and _____________________, referred to as DEBTOR, agree: ______________, DEBTOR, grants a security interest in the following property to ____________, SECURED PARTY: This security agreement is made to secure an indebtedness of ______________ to _______________, described as follows: A _______________, in the original principal amount of $ […]

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Life Insurance Information

17. March 2009


Life Insurance Information

Life Insurance Information Community & Consumer Relations American Council of Life Insurance 100I Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20004 Re: Life Insurance Information Dear Sir or Madam: Please send me a copy of your pamphlet regarding life insurance entitled “What You Should Know About Buying Life Insurance.” In addition, please provide copies of any other […]

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Subrogation Agreement

9. March 2009


Subrogation Agreement

Subrogation Agreement WHEREAS, on ____________________, ___________________, an insurance company, was presented with a claim arising from: ________________________ under insurance coverage provided to ______________________, under its coverage for: ______________________, and, WHEREAS, on _________________________, ___________________ paid a claim in an amount of $ ____ (________________ & ____/100 dollars), with a deductible of  $ _____(________ & ____/100 dollars), […]

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Pledge of Stock, Simple

3. March 2009


Pledge of Stock, Simple

Pledge of Stock, Simple __________________, referred to as OWNER, and _______________, referred to as CREDITOR, agree: OWNER is indebted to CREDITOR in the sum of $____(____ _________&___/100 dollars) for a note; to secure repayment of the debt, OWNER pledges to CREDITOR ______ shares of _________ stock of ______________________. OWNER agrees to execute all necessary documents […]

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Private Placement Memorandum

28. February 2009


Private Placement Memorandum

Private Placement Memorandum CONFIDENTIAL To: _______________ Offering of $ _________________, ______________________, Offered at ________________________ Per share. Name: _________________________ Memorandum Identification Number: _____________ ________________________ was formed on ___________________________ as a new _____________________ corporation. Information concerning initial directors: ________________________________________________________________ This corporation is formed for the purpose of: ________________________________________________________________ The interests are speculative in nature; they are subject […]

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Debit Your Account, One Time Authorization

23. February 2009


Debit Your Account, One Time Authorization

Debit Your Account, One Time Authorization Date: Dear Sir or Madam: You are authorized and directed to debit our Account, named ____________, with our Account number: ______________, for $ ___________ for a one time payment, payable payable to: _________________ (Name), at _____________ (Bank), with account number ________________ and ABA Routing Number _________________.  Please charge our […]

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Life Insurance Information, Ratings

10. February 2009


Life Insurance Information, Ratings

Life Insurance Information, Ratings Marketing Department Moody’s Investors Service 99 Church St. New York, NY 10007 Re: Life Insurance Information Dear Sir or Madam: I understand that your company provides ratings of life insurance companies.  Please explain how information may be obtained regarding a specific company and provide a brochure(s) if available.  Please indicate whether […]

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Stock Pledge

9. February 2009


Stock Pledge

Stock Pledge _____________, referred to as OWNER, and _____________, referred to as CREDITOR, agree: OWNER is indebted to CREDITOR in the sum of $_______(____________ _________&___/100 dollars) for unpaid balance for purchase of the stock; to secure repayment of the debt, OWNER pledges to CREDITOR ______ shares of ______ stock of __________________. OWNER agrees to execute […]

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