Tag Archive | "Approval by Board"

Certificate of Incorporation, Approval by Board

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Certificate of Incorporation, Approval by Board

Certificate of Incorporation, Approval by Board This is the approval of the Certificate of Incorporation. Resolved that the Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation, which has been presented and reviewed by each director of the Corporation, and which was received and filed in the office of the Secretary of the State in the state of […]

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Incorporator’s Waiver, Approval by Board

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Incorporator’s Waiver, Approval by Board

Incorporator’s Waiver, Approval by Board This is the approval of the incorporator’s waiver for all time. Resolved that the waiver of the Incorporator, which has been presented and reviewed by each director of the Corporation, hereunder the Incorporator waived all right, title and interest in and to any stock or property of the corporation and […]

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By Laws, Approval by Board

Monday, December 1, 2008


By Laws, Approval by Board

By Laws, Approval by Board This is the approval of the Certificate of Incorporation. Resolved that the By Laws of the Corporation, which have been presented and reviewed by each director of the Corporation, and which were received and filed in the office of the Secretary of the State in the state of incorporation, shall […]

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