Promissory Note-In Series $ ______ FOR VALUE RECEIVED, ________, the MAKER, promises to pay to the order of ____________, the HOLDER, the sum of $______ (_______ ____________________ &___/100 dollars) payable at ________, ___________ with interest at the rate of __ percent per annum. This note is No. __ in a certain series of __ notes. […]
Continue reading...Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Promissory Note Assignment WHEREAS, ____________, is the owner and holder of the following described promissory note: Maker(s): __________________________ Face amount: $_______(______________&___/100 dollars) Interest rate: _____ Present balance due: $______(______________&___/100 dollars) Pay to the order of _________________________. (Attach or type on note) This assignment is without recourse to the assignor. Dated: _____________________ ________________________________________________ Maker Promissory Note […]
Continue reading...Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Promissory Note __________________, 20_____ _____________, ____________ $_______. ____ _______________________, referred to herein as “MAKER”, agrees to pay to the Order of _______________________, referred to herein as “HOLDER”, or order, the sum of $____, (______________________________&___/100 Dollars), at __________________, _______________, _____________, with interest thereon at rate of ___% per annum, simple interest. Said note shall […]
Continue reading...Sunday, December 14, 2008
Promissory Note __________________, 20_____ _____________, ____________ $_______. ____ _______________________, referred to herein as “MAKER”, agrees to pay to the Order of _______________________, referred to herein as “HOLDER”, or order, the sum of $____, (______________________________&___/100 Dollars), at __________________, _______________, _____________, with interest thereon at rate of ___% per annum, simple interest. Said note shall […]
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Wednesday, March 18, 2009