Consent to Marriage of a Minor
The undersigned, the parents of ______________________, consent to the marriage of ______________________ to _________________________.
Dated: _______________
Social Security Number:
Social Security Number:
Consent to Marriage of a Minor
Review List
This review list is provided to inform you about this document in question and assist you in its preparation. This is a simple and clear consent to the marriage of a minor. Be sure to have witnesses in order to prevent any challenge. They are not strictly required in many states but it is still a sound principle to have them.
1. Make multiple copies. Give two to the minor child receiving consent in order to facilitate getting the marriage license/certificate. This way they can provide one to the authorities and have one for back up, should it be required then or at a later date. Keep one for yourself.
2. If you are the sole living parent, single parent without the other parent having joint custody, or legal guardian, then we recommend you get your agreement notarized to add a level of formality to the agreement. And, of course, modify the signature lines according to your legal status, regarding the minor.
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