Credit Reporting Agency, Request for Report
Social Security Number:
Date of Birth:
Dear Sir or Madam:
Please send me a free credit report because I was turned down for credit within the last 30 days, according to the enclosed letter.
Please send the report to me as promptly as possible to the above address on the letterhead in order for me to get my credit file up to date.
Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this matter.
Best regards,
Name of Requestor
Three Major US Credit Reporting Agencies
P.O. Box 740256
Atlanta, GA 30374-0256
Trans Union Corporation
P.O. Box 34012
Fullerton, CA 92634-4012
P.O. Box 2106
Allen, TX 75002-2106
cc Credit Rejection Notice Based on Credit Agency Report
Credit Reporting Agency, Request for Report
Review List
This review list is provided to inform you about this document in question and assist you in its preparation. You are entitled by law to a free credit report from the agency or agencies used by a creditor that turns you down for credit, as long as you request the report within 30 days of rejection. Therefore, your best response to a turndown is to write immediately to the credit-reporting agency and get a copy of the credit report.
There are three major credit agencies and they are listed on the above letter in a “cc” format so you can send the request to all three at the same time. These agencies change their policies from time to time. On occasion, one or more of them have made it a standard practice to send a consumer a free report if requested no more than once a year. Therefore, you are advised to try for the report for free. If you must pay for it, the charge will be $15 or less.
Credit reporting has become increasingly accurate over the last decade as computer systems have become more powerful and the data entered and updated, more accurate. Nevertheless, you are advised to get a copy of your report so you can dispute any bad credit reports that are false. This approach can only help your situation and in no way damage it.
Note: If you want a report, and were not turned down, simply write or call for a report and ask them to bill your credit card for the charges.
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