Death Instructions
To assist my survivors in making arrangements at the time of my death, I provide the following information:
1.NOTIFICATION. I desire that my clergyperson, ____________, of ______________be contacted immediately in order to offer assistance and comfort to my survivors.
2. FUNERAL HOME/DIRECTOR. I desire that ______________ of ________________
be consulted in making the arrangements requested in this document. The arrangements have been made and are attached to this document as Exhibit 1.
3. TREATMENT OF BODY. I desire that my body be buried in _________, Lot Number/Location: ______________. Arrangements have been made and are attached in Exhibit 2.
4.SERVICES. I desire that the following service(s) be held: ______________________
a. Visitation. A visitation at _______________________, for anyone desiring to attend. The body may be present.
Music. It is my desire to include the following music selection(s) at my visitation:
Readings. It is my desire to include the following readings at my visitation:
b. Memorial Service. A memorial service at ___________________________
for anyone desiring to attend. The body may be present.
Music. It is my desire to include the following music selections at my memorial
service: _________________________________________.
Readings. It is my desire to include the following reading(s) at my memorial service: _________________________________________.
Speakers. I would like the following people to speak: ____________________.
c. Funeral Service. A funeral service at _________, for anyone desiring to attend. The body may be present.
Music. It is my desire to include the following music selections at my memorial
service: _________________________________________.
Readings. It is my desire to include the following reading(s) at my memorial service: _________________________________________.
Speakers. I would like the following people to speak: ____________________.
5. FLOWERS & MEMORIAL. I request that donations be made to the organizations listed below in lieu of flower: ___________________________-.
6. CASKET/CONTAINER. I have selected my casket/container on a prearranged basis with the funeral director named in #2 above.
7.PALLBEARERS. I would like the following persons to serve as pallbearers: _____________________________________________________________.
8.OTHER WISHES. I would like a marker placed on my gravesite as listed in the instructions left with the Funeral Director in #2 above. I would like an obituary notice similar to the one attached in Exhibit 3 used and sent to the following periodicals: _________________________________________________.
9. PERSON TO HANDLE THESE DETAILS. Given the other issues surrounding my death, I suggest that ___________ be appointed to handle the administration of the above events. This will remove pressure from the family and create a less stressful series of events.
I have given careful thought and consideration to these instructions. I understand that this declaration is not legally binding, and that the ultimate decision will be made by my survivors based on the circumstances at the time of my death. I hope that my desires will be fulfilled, to the extent possible.
Death Instructions
Review List
This review list is provided to inform you about this document and assist you in its preparation. Death instructions are a wise and useful tool to assist a family to transition through their grief. Especially important, I think, is to appoint one person to oversee the details so the family does not get into a major conflab about who is to do what, what the deceased would have really wanted, and so on and so on.
1. Make multiple copies. Keep one with each copy of your will.
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