Demand for a Shareholders Meeting
The undersigned, being the holders of ____________________ % of ____________________ stock of ____________________, herewith demand that a general shareholders meeting be held as is provided by the corporate charter and bylaws of ____________________.
We wish the meeting to address the following issues and other such matters that may come up at the meeting: _______________________________________________________________.
_________ By the Shareholders
Dated: ____________________
Demand for a Shareholders Meeting
Review List
This review list is provided to inform you about this document in question and assist you in its preparation. This is a powerful tool to use with entrenched management. The act of sending it can lead to productive results that may, at least temporarily, put off the need for a meeting.
1. Make multiple copies. Serve a copy on an officer of the corporation by hand, much like service in litigation. Send copies to the other signing shareholders.
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