Divorce General Release

Divorce General Release

Divorce General Release

________________ (“Husband”) of _________________________ and _____________
(“Wife”) of ____________________________ entered into a divorce and Separation Agreement that provided for various financial payments between the parties and covered all financial aspects of their marriage and divorce settlement.

Husband and Wife now agree that they completely and absolutely discharged their individual and collective obligations under that Agreement in full to each other and to any children involved in the Agreement and hereby offer a general and final mutual release and hold harmless Agreement to the other.

As a final declaration, Husband and Wife hereby release each other and hold each other harmless for all obligations of any kind prior to today’s date.  It is the absolute and final intent of Husband and Wife that they hereinafter have no financial obligations of any kind between themselves and never expect to have any in the future.

Any changes to this agreement must be in writing and signed by both parties.  Any disputes must be brought in the state of ____________________.

In witness hereof, each party has signed this General Release.

________________            __________________
Husband                Wife


Divorce General Release
Review List

This review list is provided to inform you about this document and assist you in its preparation.  Although this document is not strictly required after the financial arrangements have been completed in a divorce, it is an extremely efficient instrument to summarize the completion of the transaction and experience.  It particularly serves to tie up any loose ends on the subject relating to Estate Planning for the parties.

It also puts the former payer’s mind to rest that the deal is finally “done.”  Having said that, however, the receiver of the money is sometimes reluctant to “let go” of the club the divorce agreement gave them.  This reluctance, if seen by the other party, can serve to alert them that, despite the documents and the completion of them, it isn’t “over” yet—and they can be rightfully vigilant with regard to any new problems arising relating to the old agreement and relationship.

1.    Make multiple copies.  Give one to both parties so they each have an original.  After signature, make copies and keep them with all copies of your Estate Plan and/or Will, as well as with the Divorce file itself.
2.    To the payer, best of luck in getting this document signed!



The information in this document is designed to provide an outline that you can follow when formulating business or personal plans. It is provided as is, and isn’t necessarily endorsed or approved by Due to the variances of many local, city, county and state laws, we recommend that you seek professional legal counsel before entering into any contract or agreement.

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