Job Offer Cancellation
Dear___________ (Job Candidate):
We have not heard from you since offering you employment with our Company. Since we must fill the position, we have canceled the offer effective today.
We are sure that under the pressures of your job hunt you merely overlooked getting back to us and have landed another opportunity elsewhere. We wish you the best of good fortune in your pursuits and are sure you will do well in your career elsewhere.
Should your circumstances change in the future, please keep our firm in mind.
Best regards,
Company Representative
cc Any other appropriate people within the Company
Job Offer Cancellation
Review List
This review list is provided to inform you about this document in question and assist you in its preparation. This Job Offer Cancellation document is simply good housekeeping in your Employment area. Whether the applicant is an hourly worker who failed to show up on the first day of work, then you should modify the first sentence to reflect that, or an MBA who has not responded to calls, you are well advised to send this letter out promptly to clear the decks.
It is our experience that once a prospective employee does not show up for work on the first day or does not respond to calls seeking information about whether they accept the job or not, the bloom is off the rose, so to speak, and you should use this opportunity to withdraw and cancel your offer.
The few times I have overruled this wisdom, my Company paid for it with a poor employee. So, we recommend you not reverse the cancellation once issued.
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