Physician’s Statement of Mental Competency
I, __________________(“Physician”), with offices at __________________________, hereby state that _____________________ (“Individual”) of ______________________, is fully and completely mentally competent in the broadest meaning of that term, and fully capable of taking independent actions as a completely mentally competent person.
___________________ Date:
Physician’s Statement of Mental Competency
Review List
This review list is provided to inform you about the document in question and assist you in its preparation. This document should accompany any Power of Attorney, if possible. It helps short circuit any challenges to the Power of Attorney.
1. Make multiple copies and have them attached to the Power of Attorney statement, in your distribution of it and storing of them.
June 25th, 2010 at 7:16 pm
Thank you. I understand the variances by geography and the uniqueness of each individual case. Howeve, the lawyer who prepared the will was not willing to take the time to prepare such a document for them. I assume it is unlikely the physician will have the expertise to prepare a proper letter. They are 86, have requested my assistance, and I am in a different country. (a) What could be a reason their lawyer did not prepare this document for them? (b) What is the chance that a simple, generic form would be seen as legitimate? (c) This needs to be done in the next few days: what do oyu advise? Thank you.